Reducing the amount you pay for auto insurance is an easy way to cut down on some of your recurring expenses. Here are a few easy tips to help you get cheap car insurance in Illinois.
Car Security and Safety Features
Driving a vehicle with a range of included safety features, such as anti-lock brakes and airbags, and security features like engine cut-off systems and anti-theft devices may make you eligible for an auto insurance discount. Vehicles with these features are much less likely to be stolen or involved in an accident than those without.
Setting Higher Deductibles
The higher your deductible, the less you’ll pay. Your deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket when making a claim; after you pay it, the coverage kicks in. Most deductibles range from $0-$1,500. Consider raising it to at least $1,000 to see some real savings.
Take Driving Courses
Some auto insurers offer cheap car insurance in Illinois to those who successfully complete a defensive driving course at a certified institution. In most instances, these courses are taken by senior citizens and teenage drivers, but anyone can benefit from them.
Clean Out the Garage (and Make Room for Your Car)
Many insurers offer a discount to those who park their vehicles in a garage rather than in the driveway or on the street. Research shows that garaged vehicles are much less likely to be in an accident, stolen, or vandalized.
Shop Around for Coverage
When looking for cheap car insurance in Illinois, it pays to shop around. Be sure to get multiple quotes before comparing them side by side. With an accurate comparison, you’ll be able to choose the policy that fits your needs and your budget.
These are some of the easiest ways to save money on auto insurance in Illinois.