Factors Underwriters Consider for Automotive Insurance in Bridgeview, IL

by | May 6, 2022 | Auto Insurance

Independent insurance agents can provide quotes from several companies, unlike representatives of one particular corporation. Because of this, their customers have more than one option for automotive insurance in Bridgeview, IL. The agent helps clients evaluate various policy features to decide which would be the most satisfactory.


Insurance company underwriters focus on the personal characteristics of applicants, but the pricing structure varies among these corporations. For instance, insurers generally charge more to young single men. These individuals tend to have riskier driving habits than other demographic groups. However, the premium for car insurance in Bridgeview, IL, will be somewhat different among these insurers.

Mileage and Parking

Underwriters look at other factors besides age, gender, and marital status. The application may ask how many miles the person drives each year and whether a commute to work is required. Underwriters want to know if the home has off-street parking since that reduces the risk of another vehicle running into it.


Automotive insurers can legally charge higher rates for applicants with jobs they consider greater risk factors for fatigued driving. Medical residents, trauma surgeons, and emergency room doctors are examples. They work long hours under significant stress. Some insurers issue higher quotes to people in occupations associated with condensed work weeks and 12-hour days.

Driving Record

Of course, the applicant’s driving record is a significant factor in the premium quotes received. Some insurers deny applications for drivers with a certain number of citations within a specific time frame.

Contact an independent insurance agency Accurate Auto Insurance for more information.

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